“ADK-DER 4.Beste Yarışması”
1.lik: Onur Arınç DURAN “EBDA1”
“ADK-DER 4.Beste Yarışması”
1.lik: Onur Arınç DURAN “EBDA1”
“1.Suna KAN Uluslararası Keman Yarışması”
Jüri başkanı: Devlet Sanatçısı Suna KAN,
Jüri üyeliklerini; Yusuf Güler AKSÖZ (Türkiye Baş Kemancı -Orkestra Şefi, Tayfun BOZOK (Türkiye ADOB Konzertmeister – Bozok Quartet 1.Kemancısı- ADK-DER Başkan Yardımcısı), Alessandro CEDRONE (İtalya-ADOB Müzik Direktörü-Keman Sanatçısı), Alexander MARKOV (USA), Veniamin VARSHAVSKIY (Rusya)
1.lik Yiğit Karataş
2.lik Zornitsa İlarionova
3.lik Ezgi Su Apaydın
“1.Uluslararası Ulvi YÜCELEN Anısına Oda Müziği Yarışması”
Jüri Üyeleri: Prof. Reyyan YÜCELEN, Tayfun BOZOK, Turgay ERDENER, Erdoğan DAVRAN, Efdal ALTU, Alessandro CEDRONE
1.Lik Saygun Quartet
2.lik Toros Quartet
3.lük Yok
“1.Uluslararası Kontrabas Yarışması Süleyman SAN Anısına”
Jüri: Burak Marlalı (Türkiye) , Jiri Hudeč (Çek Cumhuriyeti) , Klaus Stoll (Almanya), Rick Stotijn (Hollanda), Onur Özkaya (Türkiye), Olivier Thiery (Fransa) , Matthew Mcdonald (Avusturalya) 14 – 19 Eylül 2015 tarihleri arasında gerçekleştirilecektir.
1.Lik Maria KRYJOV
2.lik Emre ERŞAHİN
3.lük Seyithan KARABACAK
20 – 21 Eylül 2015 Workshop Harry Jansen, Luthier (Hollanda)
We organized a dinner and a concert with ADK-DER Orchestra within the framework of 77th Anniversary Celebrations of Ankara State Conservatory at Mamak Cultural Center.
On the 5th of May 2009, the 73rd Anniversary Tango Night themed concert was held at Mamak Cultural Center Muhsin Ertuğrul Stage with the participation of ADK-DER Orchestra conducted by Alessandro CEDRONE. Bandaneon artist Tolga SALMAN and Nebil GÖKAY attended the night and they were accompanied by the concertmaster Seda YALDIZ.
As the 73rd Anniversary of Tango Night received positive reviews, a concert with the same theme was held on Friday, May 29, 2009 at Atılım University.
At some elementary schools in Ankara, promotion days have been organized by a quartet founded by our members together with some of our vocal artists in order to introduce classical music instruments and the art of singing, and to gain potential students to our conservatory.
A concert was organized at Mamak Cultural Center Muhsin Ertuğrul Stage on May 6, 2008 under the auspices of Ankara Governorship for the celebration of the 72th Anniversary, within the framework of the anniversary activities of the Ankara State Conservatory, which we wish to be traditionalized. Orchestra artists as ADK-DER members, Ayşe TEK, Tuncay KURDOĞLU, Şebnem ALGIN and newly graduated soloist artists from our school attended to the concert conducted by Ibrahim YAZICI.
In 2007, the 71st Anniversary of the Ankara State Conservatory was celebrated with the support of the choir and orchestra artists of the General Directorate of State Opera and Ballet and with a concert conducted by Alessandro CEDRONE in Muhsin Ertuğrul Stage in Mamak Cultural Center (Old Conservatory Building).
In 2007, in order to protect the health of artists and artist candidates, eye screening was done to Hacettepe University Ankara State Conservatory students and teachers, Ankara State Opera and Ballet staff, Choir and Orchestra artists in cooperation with Kudret Eye Hospital.